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A Simple Trick To Chat With Friends On Command Prompt

Written By Universal TechWorld on Thursday, January 1, 2015 | 2:46 AM

Its a good trick to chat with your friend but you just need his IP Address, and you will have fun after doing these simple steps

Trick :

* Open your Command Prompt.

* Open your Notepad & Paste the following script there as it is.

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

* Save this Notepad file as Messenger.Bat.

* Go back to your Command Prompt.

* Now Drag the Notepad file (Messenger.Bat file) over to Command Prompt & press Enter button.

* Now you will see Command Prompt screen like this.

* Now you will need your friends IP Address with whom you want to chat, Type that IP Address & press enter button.

* Now just write down your message & chat with him.

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